So, I haven't posted in forever-ish. Apologies. But to catch everyone up:
Business is going well. With school being back in session, there are lots of students coming in and that makes business much better. I'll be adding food soon (if all goes well) and I'll be able to make things function a bit better.
And that's another thing. School. Its going well for me so far, but I forget that it takes so much stinking time! This assignment, that assignment, this paper, that book to read, this rehearsal that lesson, and so on and so forth. Probably the best thing about this semester is the amount of conducting I get to do. I LOVE conducting. And this semester my friend Kyle and I are conducting the women's choir, called Bella Voce. Meaning beautiful voice. And its going so well! They are doing a marvelous job and I cant wait for the concert. Another thing I am enjoying is the Institute Choir. The Lord knew I was busy, so he called me as institute choir director as well. Yep. Needed that one. Anyway, it is going amazingly well considering its record for having no one show up. At the second rehearsal we had 30ish people. Yesss.
My junior recital will be this semester, and THAT my friends, is stressing me. I did an early "practice" recital just before school started, and I'm glad I did. It was a good way for me to gauge how much I had to do before the official recital. Which is a lot....
My only issue is, I cant decide if I like conducting or performance more. And on top of that, I want to do so many KINDS of performance. Should I do classical? Or the more fun jazz stuff? So many options! And there are so many artists out there that I love to listen to and watch, but I just cant decide what I really want to do.
Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. In the mean time I have people like Dearest Carol and Sweet Beverly to help me out with my choice. These two ladies are two of my all time favorite performers, and each of the two did completely different types of entertaining. I hope you enjoy. (And I also hope you will go on youtube and watch this whole show. It is absolutely outstanding.)
I am so glad to hear business is well. you my friend are incredible! Miss you