Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Remember When It Rained

It has been raining for several days now.

Most people don't like to get caught in the rain. Especially if it is a cold, extra wet rain. You know the type. The kind where you only have to be out in the drizzle for a minute before it is in your bones and your fingers and toes seem to be frozen for the rest of the day. The warm, still half sunny day type of rain is nice, but it is almost October now. Those days are gone for the year.

And even the people who don't like getting caught in the rain can appreciate it from inside their cozy little homes. They say as they look at the glistening lawn "Oh good, we needed that rain. The grass was so brown", or even "Bout time. I've missed hearing that sound," as they listen to the patter of the water on the roof. And even I appreciate a cool refreshing drink once in a while. It's good to have a really really cold glass of water to drink. So refreshing. And I feel that nature deserves it every once in a while too.

But you see, my roof leaks. I don't like the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's precious. This is like, exactly how I feel in a nutshell. :)

    - Tavia
