Thursday, January 27, 2011

Car Rides, Crepes, and Creepers

I almost died today.

I have to give you some background information for this to make sense. First of all, this is the second semester of my Junior year and it really is going well. I have been really responsible and have been getting all of my homework and reading done. Be proud. but today I found myself with an interesting dilemma....I had free time. I was caught up on my reading and I had plans to go do an assignment with a friend later, but that moment was beautifully free. I ended up in the library (an odd place to go when you have free time I know) and saw some friends. They wanted to make crepes. I wanted to eat crepes. You can see that life was going well for me.

Until the car ride that is. You see, one off the delightful young ladies who was coming to make crepes was under the delightful delusion that she could drive. She was, to my terror, very sadly mistaken. We got into her car and quickly learned that seat belts were a necessity. Which she NOW says was her point. I think she was just drunk.

Anyway, I peeled myself out of the car at Food Lion and we went inside to get the things required for crepes. We got strawberries and bananas and nutella to top the crepes with and we were about to check out when our lovely driver piped up, "Wait guys....don't we need tortillas?" (as I am writing this she says "I'm from North Carolina! We don't have crepes! We have grapes and mashed potatos. How was I supposed to know? I've only seen a picture. It looks like tortillas!") The driving should make more sense now. And it only got better when she decided to pull out in front of a truck in the parking lot. It was a big truck. We were a little car. I have no idea how we managed to not die.

this next part is only funny if you were there. Just know that on our way back home our driver waved and honked at a complete stranger and he waved back very enthusiastically. That's where the creeper comes in. Moving on.

We got to the house and proceeded to make the crepes. The whole while our driver was finding great pleasure in pinching the back of my arm. Not the little sharp kind of pinch, but the grab lots of skin, pull it as far out as you can, and apply pressure like there's no tomorrow kind of pinch.. So by the time the crepes were coming off of the pan , my arm was a bit sensitive. But I didn't mind, as I was cheerfully smearing nutella all over a crepe. Suddenly, the back of my arm felt a tad warm. Then it became a searing white pain. you see, the frying pan was touching my arm.

It was a total accident, and I hold no hard feelings, but the pan got me RIGHT where I had been so lovingly pinched. It was a tad sensitive. (a side note, as a reaction, my arm jerked forward involuntarily, and I happened to be holding a knife with nutella on it and it may or may not have come close to a friend. To her I apologize. But no harm no foul, right?)

So here I sit. Writing my blog. The point? Life is great. Be a bit impulsive. It makes for a refreshing afternoon. Promise. :)

By the way, BECKY WILSON WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME. There. I mentioned you. Also, she is very funny.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear. When are seat belts not a necessity? (That was rhetorical and sarcastic, don't answer) I am also a bit jealous that you got to have fun in BV with crepes.
